Happy Mondays! Come and Join Our Volunteers

HAPPY MONDAYS at Penllergare Valley Woods – come and join our volunteers
From the 8th November we will be starting a new volunteering day here on Mondays. Why not come and join our happy team of woodland volunteers?
On Monday 8th November we will be holding a intro and induction day for new volunteers. We will be starting at 9.30am and will be meeting in the main car park, Penllergare Valley Woods SA4 9GS – come and join us.
We will be working on some exciting and rewarding projects to help restore, conserve and maintain the beautiful woods that we all love.
For more details please email [email protected]
The Trust would like to thank and recognise the WCVA and the Welsh Government for the support they have provided us with to enable more volunteering days here at Penllergare.